About me

Who I am?

Hi there! Looks like you've stumbled onto my corner of the internet. If you're curious about who I am, then you're in luck. My name is Aurelien Jarno, and you might know me by my online alter ego, aurel32.

Day job

By day, I work as a software developer in the domain of astronomy at CNRS/CRAL, and I've been involved in the science software of the VLT/MUSE, JWST/NIRSpec and ELT/HARMONI astrophysical instruments. I have also participated to the control electronics of the UH88/SNIFS and VISTA/4MOST instruments.


In my free time, I enjoy tinkering with electronics and working on Free and Open Source Software (FLOSS) projects. I occasionally write about these interests on my blog, but not as often as I would like.

I started programming when I was young, using BASIC and later learning Pascal and C. I discovered GNU/Linux while studying at university. I initially installed RedHat 5.2 and later switched to Mandrake before settling on Debian as my preferred operating system. After not being able to find a package I needed for Debian, I decided to package it and eventually became a Debian Developer. Since then I've been involved in packaging and porting Debian to various architectures, and I'm also part of the Debian System Administrator and Build Daemon teams. In link with my work in Debian, I also contribute to some other FLOSS projects.

I also started playing around with electronics at a young age, using very simple circuits to enhance my toys. I quickly became attracted to the PIC16C84, which was one of the first affordable and easily reprogrammable microcontrollers available at the time, even though its specs - 10MHz, 36 bytes of RAM, and 1K EEPROM - seem quite limited by today's standards. Since then, I've done many small projects related to audio, computers, and home automation. More recently, I've embraced Open Hardware by sharing some of my projects on my Git server and contributing to Zephyr.

Want to get in touch?

I'm not just any ordinary person with just one email address. No, no, no. I have multiple addresses depending on my activity. My primary address is aurelien@jarno.fr. For FLOSS related matters, you can also reach me at aurelien@aurel32.net. And for Debian GNU/Linux related stuff, I am usually using aurel32@debian.org.

If you're sending something that you really feel requires encryption, you can use PGP. I'm not particularly interested in using PGP for everyday mail, though. This is my current PGP public key:

pub   4096R/1DDD8C9B 2009-05-09
      Key fingerprint = 7746 2642 A9EF 94FD 0F77  196D BA9C 7806 1DDD 8C9B 
uid                  Aurelien Jarno <aurel32@debian.org>
uid                  Aurelien Jarno <aurelien@aurel32.net>
uid                  Aurelien Jarno <aurelien@jarno.fr>
sub   4096R/C3FCA1A8 2009-05-09

My PGP public key is available on various key servers, for instance on keyring.debian.org or keys.openpgp.org. If you're feeling adventurous, you can use the --auto-key-locate option of GnuPG, which in addition can fetch it from an OPENPGPKEY DNS record or using Web Key Directory. Alternatively, you can download it directly.